Paper-based tenders have always been the mainstream. However, governments and private companies choose E-tendering. As for the construction industry, many successful examples show us the benefits of E-tendering.
There was a panel discussion back in 2021, where the moderator raises the question of how intelligent is intelligent? Does implementing IoT is intelligent enough?
Addingtons is a leading groundwork and concrete frame contractor which specialises in all aspects of substructure and superstructure construction. To accelerate productivity by 40% and take their business to the next level, their team chose Cubicost’s all-in-one digital construction platform. Keep reading to find out more about their transformation journey!
Along the way where we explore about Digital Construction, it is not difficult to identify that internet connectivity is crucial. As Glodon take the initiatives to study near to 50 construction sites and cooperates in their digital journey, we found that internet connectivity is inevitable.
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